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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Teaching in the Chibuleo!

Today I woke up very early this morning to go to school with Magus. She works in a school in Chibuleo. It was a long drive to get there and I was able to see many sites. Here is a picture of Chimborazo(the white top), a large mountain we saw on the way to school.

The Millennium School in Chibuleo, where Magus works is a government school for the indigenous people who live here. The government closed all the local schools and opened this one school with teachers who are highly qualified and have upgraded books and technology. I was able to teach several groups of students today and I absolutely loved it. Here is the first group, our morning class. Most the students were around the age of 15 and are learning English.

 Here are some photos of what the new building for classes looks like! It is very crazy with all the children, especially during breaks!

 Here is a picture of my second group of students for the day! They are in 7th grade! They had so many questions for me, including whether or not I had a boyfriend or if I was married.

 Here are so photos I captured of the view from the school! You can see why I've fallen in love with the landscape.

And here is our last group of students! They are in their last year of school (about 18 years old).

 After school, we visited the business of Magus's brother. There I was able to have a firsts! Check out my new friend, Pancha!

And I even got to ride him! 

 I also got to meet the 1,000 chicks that her brother is raising! Look at how cute they are!

 After my excursion with animals, we had the chance to head up on the roof for a scenic view of Ecuador. I promise these pictures don't do it justice. 

 After our visit, we headed home and I pretty much headed straight to sleep! I am headed on another adventure tomorrow and need to be up bright and early! Hope all is well wherever you are! Sending love from Ecuador.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome picures and comments of your day at school, and your visit with the interesting animals. We presume that the animal you were riding on is a Llama. What fun! The school.

    children are dressed so nice, and they look like they are great kids who value their education.
    So, we can see why you love this experience, the life seems to be so simple, but meaningful, for these wonderful people. You find the goodness in everyhing, and that makes you very amazing!
    Much love, Grandma and Papa
